Thursday, February 14, 2008

Simple trick to break any user name password

It’s a simple trick and using this trick you can break the even the administrator/root password of the tough systems like AS400, Unix (Any Unix). This trick I have been successfully tried many times.
Requirements –
1. You should know shell programming.
2. You should have access to any general account in the system.

What you have to do –
1. Log in to the general account of the system (AS400/Unix)
2. Write a shell program which will accept a username and password and looks like your console user name password accepting screen.
a. The subsequent steps in the shell program accept the user name accepted by the user and stores somewhere (in a text file may be – Shell program allows you to open the file and store anything in it.) in your account.
b. Give the message that your username password is wrong and log out using the shell command.
How it works –

1. When you log in and run your shell program. The user name password acceptance console screen is running. But it’s not a original screen but the fake screen running through your program.
2. The administrator will enter his user name and password thinking that its a original console screen.
3. He will get the wrong username password message. He will think that the username and password entered by him is wrong.
4. When he enters the user name and password second time its the original console screen, because you have logged out through the shell command.
5. Before he logs in second time his username and password is stolen and stored in a safe place (text file) in your account. And you are now free to use his user name and password any time you want.

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