Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Convolution Computer Architecture Assignment

1) Write an assembly language program in MIPS32 assembly language to

a) Input two one-dimensional arrays of size L and M.

b) Compute the convolution of the above entered arrays.

c) Print the answer y and plot the graphs of x, h and y


1) Discrete Convolution of two functions x and h is given by the following formula


Where N = L + M -1

2) L=4 and M = 5

3) Choose any integer values for array elements

# Write an assembly language program in MIPS32 assembly language to find
# Discrete Convolution of two functions  x and h     
# Author - Sunil Doiphode

        .data         # data declaration section

funx:     .word 0 : 8 # array one address x()
funh:    .word 0    : 8 # array two address h()
funy:     .word 0 : 8 # array two address y()
sizex:     .word 4     # Size of array 1 (L)
sizeh:  .word 5     # size of array 2 (M)
sizey:     .word 9        # size of resulting array (N)

        .text          # program steps starts

#read First Array X(n)

        la $t0,funx         # load array xn address
        la $t5,sizex           # load size of array address
        lw $t4,0($t5)       # load array size number to tmp counter
        lw $t5, 0($t5)      # load array size
loop1:    li $v0,5             # set readint instruction
        syscall                # call the system call
        sw   $v0, 0($t0)      # store the read value
        addi $t0, $t0, 4      # increment the array address to the next location
        addi $t4, $t4, -1     # decrement the counter
        bgtz $t4, loop1      # loop1

# Read Second array h(n)

        la $t0,funh         # load array hn address
        la $t6, sizeh        # load size of array address
        lw $t4, 0($t6)       # load array size number to tmp variable
        lw $t6, 0($t6)        # load array size number
loop2:        li $v0,5         # set readint instruction
        syscall                # call the system call
        sw   $v0, 0($t0)     # store the read value
        addi $t0, $t0, 4      # increment the array address to the next location
        addi $t4, $t4, -1     # decrement the counter
        bgtz $t4, loop2      # loop2

# N = L + M -1

        add $t4,$t5,$t6       # N = L + M
        addi $t3,$t4,-1       # N = L + M -1 (Hold value) -- N  ---   t3
# t7 = x(k) & t8 = h(n-k)
        sub $t4,$t4,$t4     # (Counter yn initialised to zero ---   t4
           la $t0,sizey         # load array size address 
          lw $s4,0($t0)       # load yn array size to tmp ynloopcount
        lw $t5,0($t0)       # load yn array size
        la $s7,funy            #---------------------------yaddress -- t7
loop3:    la $t7,funx         #---------------------------xaddress -- t7
         la $t8,funh         #-------------------------- haddress -- t8
         li $t9, 0             # summation count k =0------------- k --t9
        addi $s0,$t3,0         # summation loopcount = N
        li $s3,0             # summation amt -------summation amt ---s3

# nested loop loop4

loop4:    sub $s1,$t4, $t9      # s1 =  ----------------------- n-k --- s1

# (n-k) should be greater than 0 if less than zero jump to skip
        li $s5, 0
        slt $s6, $s5, $s1     # slt d,s,t if s < t d <-- 1 else  d <-- 0
        blez $s6, skip

        li $s2,4
        mul $s1,$s2,$s1
         add $s6, $t8, $s1     # address of n-kth location

        lw $s6, 0($s6)        # s6 = x(n-k)
        multu $s2,$t9       
        mflo $s1
        add $s5,$t7, $s1
        lw $s5, 0($s5)        # s5 = h(k)
        multu $s6,$s5       
        mflo $s1            # s1= h(k)*x(n-k)
        add $s3,$s3,$s1        # Add the result to summation

skip:     addi $t9,$t9,1        # increment the index counter
        addi $s0,$s0,-1        # decrement the loop counter
        bgtz $s0, loop4      # End of summation loop4
        # store the yn values in the array

        li $s2,4
        multu $t4,$s2
         mflo $s1 
        add $s1,$s7, $s1
        sw $s3, 0($s1)
        addi $t4, $t4, 1
        addi $s4, $s4, -1
        bgtz $s4, loop3        # End of loop3

# print y(n)

        la $t0,funy         # load array xn address
        la $t5, sizey        # load size of array address
        lw $t4, 0($t5)       # load array size number to tmp counter
        lw $t5, 0($t5)      # load array size
loop5:    lw $a0, 0($t0)

        li $v0,1            # set writeint instruction
        syscall                # call the system call
        addi $t0, $t0, 4      # increment the array address to the next location
        addi $t4, $t4, -1     # decrement the counter
        bgtz $t4, loop5      # End of printing loop5


Input1 X=2,2,2,2


Y= 0,4,8,12,16,12,8,4,0


Input2 X=1,2,3,4


Y= 0,2,7,16,30,34,31,20,0

Digital Signal Processing

Input3 X=4,3,2,1


Y= 0,16,24,25,20,10,4,1,0
